eNewsletter: Gun Violence, Endorsement of the Week, Don't-Miss Events
Why Courtney? Endorsement of the Week: Frank and Mary Aquino
I'm honored to have the endorsement of Frank and Mary Aquino. Both are attorneys. Frank served on the Board of Education for many years, and Mary specializes in elder law and is on the Board of NeighborRide.
"We have always been impressed by Courtney’s ability to make complex issues easily understandable and her ability to work with people on completely opposite sides of contentious issues and find harmony. Howard County has become known as a great place to live in no small part to Courtney’s efforts on the Board of Education and as a County Council member.
Courtney has a long history of dedication to and success working for the people of Howard County. Courtney’s success comes from hard work, an unbelievable attention to detail and her knack for learning and knowing more about the intricacies of almost any issue than anyone else at the table. She has done all of this while cultivating new teams of leaders and advocates to help ensure that nothing gets overlooked."
Issue Spotlight Gun Violence. In the past ten days, the number one issue that voters mention to me as I knock on doors is gun violence. Voters are sick with the thought of another tragic school shooting as happened in Parkland, Florida. I attended a meeting of Marylanders Against Gun Violence in Columbia a couple of days after the incident, and there were three times more people there than expected. Perhaps now, buoyed by the bravery and courage of student survivors as they demand change, we can secure meaningful improvements in our gun safety laws. While Maryland has some of the stronger state laws in the country, we can do more. There are too many loopholes that allow weapon types and gadgets like bump stocks that are designed to maximize the number of bullets fired. We should have red flag laws in Maryland that keep guns from people who have a history of threats. Why shouldn't Maryland lead the way by having the very strongest state laws to protect our citizens against gun violence? Learn more about gun safety policy. I will be a strong voice as your state delegate to accomplish this with my peers. (photo credit: Buffy Beaudoin-Schwartz)
Special Events

Courtney Puppy Party. Join Us on Saturday, March 3, at Club Pooche. Join us from 1-3 pm for a fun afternoon at Club Pooche. Bring a dog, or just come and watch the fun as dogs enjoy a huge puppy party on an indoor dog playground. We know our 9B voters are serious about their pets, and this event is designed with that in mind. More info and RSVP.
Join Us on March 6 at the Ellicott City Democratic Club. The Gubernatorial Forum is on March 6th 6:30-8:30 pm at Linden Hall in Dorsey Search Village Center. This is also your last chance to become a member of the club in order to vote in the endorsement process in April. Email me for more details.
Wine, Women, and Watson - March 22. Join Friends of Courtney Watson and Nick Johnson, owner of Su Casa for Wine, Women, Watson! Meet me and local women candidates for wine from The Wine Bin, lite fare from Tersiguel’s, and good conversation. Plus, see the latest trends in home decor from Su Casa and the Su Casa MADE Gallery - a unique marketplace for handmade products from local skilled artisans. Volunteer Fun - Be Part of It!
Team Canvass Dates. Join us for the following canvass dates with Team Hester. RSVP to Jenn Cavey.
Ring in Daylight Savings Time: March 11. 2-5 pm (Reunite with the teams back at Rita's for your first frozen treat of the season.)
St. Patrick's Day Canvass: March 17, 9:45-1 pm (Join us after for a green tea or a green beer at White Oak Tavern.)
House Parties. Haven't seen your neighbors all winter? Start Spring off right by hosting a house party! I have had many great group discussions at neighborhood house parties. Each host has been very pleased with the level of interaction and engagement at these intimate events. I encourage you to sign up to host a house party in March: my team will assist you every step of the way. Please contact Jenn Cavey to learn more.
Coffee In March. Our Coffee with Courtney dates continue to be a big success. Each Thursday we have voters stop by to talk about their concerns. Join me every Thursday in March at 10 am at Cafe EZ, 3290 N. Ridge Road, Ellicott City. It's your chance to ask me questions and let me know what's on your mind. Just stop by, no reservations necessary. I look forward to seeing you!