Your Week 4 Snapshot from Annapolis

February 18, 2021
Greetings Friends, Several pieces of my sponsored legislation have started to move through their respective House committees. I am testifying on six bills this week (whew!), and despite the projected snow and ice, we are gathering in the House through Friday. We began meeting on the House Floor in person on February 8th. This year the public has access to not only floor actions but also to committee and delegation meetings. If you'd like to follow along, consult the MGA Website, check out the schedules, and log on to the YouTube channel (see the icon at the top right corner of the website). I miss seeing constituents and advocacy groups in person, but I'm pleased to be able to spend time each week meeting virtually. On March 1, Senator Katie Fry Hester and I will be holding another virtual Constituent Town Hall Meeting at 7 p.m. - hope you can attend! See the registration link here. As always, feel free to reach out if you have a question or concern. My contact information is listed at the bottom of the newsletter. Stay well and stay warm,

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