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Endorsement of the Week: Frank and Mary Aquino

I'm honored to have the endorsement of Frank and Mary Aquino. Both are attorneys. Frank served on the Board of Education for many years, and Mary specializes in elder law and is on the Board of NeighborRide.

"We have always been impressed by Courtney’s ability to make complex issues easily understandable and her ability to work with people on completely opposite sides of contentious issues and find harmony. Howard County has become known as a great place to live in no small part to Courtney’s efforts on the Board of Education and as a County Council member.

Courtney has a long history of dedication to and success working for the people of Howard County. Courtney’s success comes from hard work, an unbelievable attention to detail and her knack for learning and knowing more about the intricacies of almost any issue than anyone else at the table. She has done all of this while cultivating new teams of leaders and advocates to help ensure that nothing gets overlooked."

Thank you!

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