Our quality of life is dependent on our quality of environment. Land preservation, self-sustaining practices, investment in smart energy options and reducing the impact of development are not only sound environmental priorities but fiscally responsible policies, as well.
Clean water and clean air are not options. We need to work harder to develop and employ clean energy, restore our streams and rivers and preserve our open space. When I was on the County Council, Howard County led the way in regional public transportation, recycling, composting and support of renewable energy. As your voice in Annapolis, I will fight for policies that reduce our carbon footprint and leave our environment in better shape for future generations.

I support:
Increasing the renewable energy target of The Clean Energy Jobs Act to 50% to encourage more renewable and clean energy resources including solar, wind and geothermal.
The ban on hydraulic fracking in Maryland.
Improved stormwater engineering regulations, designed to handle severe weather events caused by climate change and reduce the polluted water runoff into our streams rivers and the Chesapeake Bay.
Implementing further “reduce, reuse and recycle” strategies including composting to reduce the amount of household and commercial waste reaching landfills.
Public transportation initiatives including light rail, regional bus systems, bike share and trail connectivity that will reduce air pollution.
Ensuring energy companies provide integrity of infrastructure that protects public health.
Green tax-credits for high performance buildings and solar or geo-thermal home energy systems.
Encouraging private investment in accessible electric charging stations.
Promoting “complete streets.” Enable safe access for all users, including pedestrians and bicyclists.
Income tax deduction to encourage residential septic pumping.
Promoting water bottle filling stations to minimize plastic water bottle waste.