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Endorsement of the Week: Ken Ulman

Thank you Ken Ulman, former Howard County Executive for your support!

"Courtney Watson, a true partner in progress for Howard County, is the most qualified and effective candidate in the race for House of Delegates 9B. She will speak powerfully for Ellicott City in Annapolis. Her experience working to improve public education in Howard County is unparalleled, as an activist, a school board member, and a county councilmember. This experience will be particularly important as the General Assembly implements the recommendations of the Commission on Innovation and Excellence in Education in 2019. As the 2006-2014 County Executive who led rapid government innovation on the local level with initiatives such as Healthy Howard, the creation of the Office of Sustainability which propelled huge gains in protecting the environment, job creation initiatives such as the Maryland Center for Entrepreneurship, and land preservation programs, I could always count on Courtney to ask the hard questions to make our proposals better. Experience matters now, more than ever, and we need Courtney’s strong voice and experience to get results and to represent Ellicott City, and Howard County in Annapolis."

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